Welcome to the Faculty of Automotive, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca


Faculty of Automotive, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering
Adress: B-dul Muncii nr.103-105, cod 400641,
Cluj-Napoca, România

Dean office: Tel. 0264/401602,
Secretariat: Tel. 0264/401658, 0264/401787,
Fax: 0264/415490

Faculty of Mechanics

Among the cultural values of the City of Cluj-Napoca, technical education is a reality since the beginning of the last century. The Industrial Graduate School was established on February 1st, 1920: this new educational institution underwent a series of restructuring measures and became in 1922 the Graduate School of Mechanical Operators – the predecessor of the Cluj Polytechnic.
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